Recipes and tricks in your hand / mojar pan

Pickled Piri Piri Rabbit

I love escabeche, especially with sardines, or with mackerel, or with dogfish, in short with fish, but I also love rabbit and after having discovered a sensational recipe originating in Murcia called rabbit with cabañil garlic and having tried it several times Sometimes I decided to combine three different recipes into one to see the result.

And the result was finger-licking good, the kind of scraping up even the smallest of rabbit bones and spreading bread in the sauce until the plate was so clean that it was hardly necessary to run it under the tap.

In this case, I did not want or try to make the marinade abundant, a reduction of the sauce was preferred, this way the rabbit is more impregnated and makes it easier when it comes to dipping the potatoes, homemade potatoes by the way, blanched in water boiling and topped with a few tablespoons of oil until crispy.

Ingredients for two people:

-1/2 rabbit cut into small pieces, we can ask the chicken man to cut it like this or if we have no choice, they usually come cut in supermarkets, we will also try to cut them a little smaller than how they usually come

– 2 tablespoons piri piri seasoning

– 1 tablespoon of oil

We put the rabbit pieces together well, add salt and freshly ground black pepper, add the oil along with the seasoning and coat it well with our hands so that everything is well coated. We reserve it in the refrigerator for an hour although, as we always say, if it can spend the night in the refrigerator macerating, even better.

For the pickle:

– Two whole cloves of garlic

– 2 bay leaves

– 1 tablespoon paprika

– 2 glasses of vinegar

In the frying pan or better in a clay pot, add a little oil and fry the rabbit that we have marinated, stirring well and letting it cook until it is golden brown on the outside, remove the rabbit from the pot and set aside. apart.

We introduce the garlic, we brown it on both sides without burning it, this is important, we add the bay leaf and now comes the complicated and decisive part, which is why it is highly advisable, almost essential, to have all the ingredients prepared and at hand. . Just when adding the bay leaf, we add the paprika, stir very quickly, we have to prevent it from burning or the dish will be bitter, so that this does not happen, once seconds have passed since the paprika has entered, the vinegar comes that we will stir again Well throughout the casserole so that it acquires the flavors, we lower the heat, leave it for about two minutes for it to begin to evaporate and reduce, add the rabbit and leave it on the heat for another ten minutes, making sure that the sauce does not reduce completely.

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