This is the accompaniment that we served for the previous chicken curry with cardamom and black pepper, although it can be used to accompany many other dishes. We have made it using one of the two ways of cooking basmati, it is not my favorite since there are then It takes a lot of cleaning but it is the best when we want the aromas to permeate the rice.
Ingredients :
200g of basmati rice, which we will soak for 30 minutes so that it enlarges
- clove
– 1 branch of cassia
– a tablespoon of ghee
-half a tablespoon of cumin seed
– another half of black mustard seeds
– half an onion finely chopped
– sliced mushrooms
-about half a liter of water or chicken broth, salt is necessary if we simply use water
1.In a saucepan we put the clarified butter, add the cumin seeds and mustard seeds and cover so that they do not jump. They will start with the traditional chimpum that they make when they are ready and we will add the onion that we brown for about 7-8 minutes
2. Add the mushrooms, which we will sauté briefly until they take on color, add the cassia and cloves.
3.We drain the water from the rice so that it is dry and we take it to the saucepan where we will sauté it slightly so that it merges with the onion and the rest of the ingredients, one minute, it is not enough
4.It is time to add the water or broth, cover it well, and bring to a boil, cover well and lower the heat to maximum so that it cooks between 20 and 25 minutes, making sure that it does not need more liquid but also controlling. , so that it doesn't get too soupy.
If we prefer the other system of boiling the rice, it is simply to place boiling water in a pot with the cassia and cloves and boil the rice separately that we will reserve. We carry out the same process until point 3, which, logically, is no longer necessary, you just have to add the boiled rice and stir so that it has all the substance.