Mama Sita's Bacon Seasoning 75g



It is somewhat strange how little knowledge we have of Filipino gastronomy taking into account the ancient ties of these Southeast Asian islands, not to mention the good colony that we have had coming from there for many years.

However, if you are tempted to try it, you are lost, we can finally have one of the products that had been requested the most in these years that we started in this: Mama Sita's condiments

They are ideal for getting to know some of the Filipino cuisine, as well as the coconut vinegar or the banana sauce that we will add, for this occasion the chosen one is the condiment called Bacon.

Don't be afraid, it's not about marinating a pork, it can be used with pork (with bacon or pork tripe it's sublime), with chicken or fish, plus, with 75 g it serves up to 12 people.

The instructions come completely in Spanish and the trick of marinating first and then freezing for up to a month is one that is worth following.

And be careful, it is made with achiote powder so it is not only for Filipino cuisine, we can fuse it with Peruvian or Ecuadorian chaufa or Nikkei style with a good pork loin marinated with bacon seasoning and tamarind finish

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